The Potential Dangers of Taking Nutrient Supplements

Taking nutrient supplements can be beneficial for those who cannot meet their daily nutritional needs through diet alone. However, consuming too much of these supplements can lead to a range of side effects.

The Potential Dangers of Taking Nutrient Supplements

Taking nutrient supplements can be beneficial for those who cannot meet their daily nutritional needs through diet alone. However, consuming too much of these supplements can lead to a range of side effects, from mild to severe. Skin rashes, shortness of breath, diarrhea, severe joint or muscle pain, difficulty speaking and blood in the urine are some of the possible adverse events that can result from the use of supplements. Manufacturers often add vitamins, minerals and other supplement ingredients to foods like breakfast cereals and beverages, so you may be consuming more than you think.

Taking more than you need can be costly and may also increase the risk of side effects. It is important to note that natural supplements are not always safer than products manufactured in laboratories. Plant-based supplements may contain harmful chemicals or cause an adverse reaction due to the genetic makeup of the plant. Supplements can also cause liver damage, blood thinning, and kidney stones.

Multivitamins that offer large amounts of fat-soluble vitamins can be particularly dangerous, as excessive levels of these vitamins can accumulate in the body. Over time, more serious side effects can develop as excessive amounts of unwanted nutrients or contaminants gradually build up in the body. For example, a systematic review that analyzes the possible effects of nutritional supplements on cardiovascular health suggests that few supplements help prevent heart disease; only omega-3 fatty acids and folic acid were effective. Consuming multivitamins that contain nutrient levels higher than the daily UL can cause a number of side effects.

People use these supplements to enrich the body with vitamins and nutrients, or to lose weight, improve sexual performance, and increase energy. However, people who combine multivitamins with other supplements or who consume significant amounts of fortified foods may exceed the recommended amount of certain nutrients. Depending on the nutrient, this will influence the speed and severity of side effects. Scientists need to conduct more research to evaluate the effects of nutrient intake between the DRI and UL.

Tofu, tempeh and soy milk are good plant-based sources of protein, fiber and other key nutrients. Multivitamins are generally safe as long as they provide nutrient levels that meet the DRI guidelines. In conclusion, it is essential to be aware of potential side effects when taking nutrient supplements. Taking more than you need costs more and may also increase the risk of side effects.

Long-term side effects can include birth defects and liver, heart, and cognitive problems.

Ernie Levitt
Ernie Levitt

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