Combining dietary supplements and medications can have dangerous and even fatal effects. Some nutrients can affect the way certain drugs are metabolized, reducing their absorption or accelerating their elimination. For example, the acidity of fruit juice may decrease the effectiveness of antibiotics such as penicillin, while dairy products can attenuate the infection-fighting effects of tetracycline. Green leafy vegetables can nullify the effects of warfarin, a blood-thinning medication, and MAO inhibitors, a type of antidepressant, are dangerous when mixed with foods or beverages that contain tyramine, such as beer, red wine, chocolate, processed meat, avocados, and some cheeses.
Grapefruit juice may interfere with some blood pressure medications and organ transplant medications by increasing their metabolic breakdown. Some medications are only absorbed if taken with a full meal or even a high-fat meal. It is important to check with your pharmacist or health care provider before taking vitamin pills at the same time you take a medication. Vitamins and minerals can interact with some medications. A survey was conducted on the use of dietary supplements in 458 veteran outpatients currently taking prescription medications.
It was estimated that approximately 15 million adults had consumed dietary supplements concurrently with prescription medications. Few of these interactions were documented even in a case report, and even fewer were identified as likely in at least 3 case reports or in any safety data from a clinical trial. For example, a study conducted by Gurley and collaborators evaluated the content of ephedra alkaloids in 20 different dietary supplements. We compared self-reported use of dietary supplements with drug prescribing by VA healthcare providers. On the other hand, if veterans at our centers buy dietary supplements so frequently, even with the modest incomes seen among the general veteran population, we suspect that patients in the private health environment are buying at least the same amount. It is important to be aware of potential drug interactions when taking certain types of dietary or herbal supplement ingredients.
While many ambulatory patients used dietary supplements concomitantly with prescription medications, only 5 to 6% of possible interactions between drugs and dietary supplements could cause a serious adverse clinical event. The protocol allowed the patient and provider to be notified if any suspected serious interaction was detected during the study. This issue of the Digest provides information on several herbs and their possible interactions with other agents. The survey questions were similar to those used by Ly and his colleagues and focused on current and past use of dietary supplements, the products that patients were taking or had taken, the place of purchase, the monthly expenses, the sources of information about dietary supplements, and the dissemination of the use of dietary supplements to primary care providers. As an expert in SEO optimization, it is important to be aware that combining dietary supplements and medications can have serious consequences. It is essential to consult your pharmacist or health care provider before taking any vitamin pills at the same time you take a medication.
Additionally, it is important to be aware that certain herbs may interact with other agents. The survey conducted on veteran outpatients showed that 15 million adults had consumed dietary supplements concurrently with prescription medications. However, only 5 to 6% of possible interactions between drugs and dietary supplements could cause a serious adverse clinical event. This highlights how important it is to be aware of potential drug interactions when taking certain types of dietary or herbal supplement ingredients.
The protocol allowed for patients and providers to be notified if any suspected serious interaction was detected during the study. This is an important step in ensuring that patients are aware of potential risks associated with combining dietary supplements and medications. It is also important to note that many people are unaware of potential drug interactions when taking certain types of dietary or herbal supplement ingredients. This is why it is essential for healthcare providers to educate their patients about potential risks associated with combining dietary supplements and medications.
In conclusion, it is essential for healthcare providers to educate their patients about potential risks associated with combining dietary supplements and medications. It is also important for patients to consult their pharmacist or health care provider before taking any vitamin pills at the same time they take a medication.