The Benefits of Taking Supplements: A Comprehensive Guide

Taking supplements is a popular way to ensure that you are getting the essential nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. Learn about the potential risks and benefits of taking supplements.

The Benefits of Taking Supplements: A Comprehensive Guide

Taking supplements is a popular way to make sure that you are getting the essential nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. Vitamins, minerals, and herbal products are all common types of supplements that can be added to your diet. While manufacturers can add these ingredients to the foods you eat, such as breakfast cereals and beverages, it is important to be aware of the potential risks of taking too much. Excessive amounts of vitamins and minerals can lead to headaches, liver damage, reduced bone strength, and even birth defects.

In addition to the potential risks, dietary supplement labels may include certain types of health-related statements. These statements may claim that a supplement promotes health or supports a part or function of the body (such as heart health or the immune system). It is important to note that these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and that these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

What Are The Benefits Of Taking Supplements?

The purpose of taking supplements is to close the nutritional gap between regular dietary intake and nutrient needs.

Supplementation can help meet the increased nutritional needs of an active lifestyle or medical condition. Stress, medical complications, and an energetic life can create a greater need in your specific body for very specific minerals or vitamins. Supplementation can also help correct deficiencies in the same foods you're eating. Chemicals used in agriculture, soil depletion, refinement, preservatives and additives have caused imbalances in our food supply. For example, USDA tests show that spinach contained an average of 158 milligrams of iron per 100 grams in 1950 compared to 2.7 milligrams per 100 grams today.

By supplementing your diet, you can make great strides in correcting these deficiencies in the food supply.


In conclusion, taking supplements is a great way to bridge the gap between regular dietary intake and nutrient needs. It is important to be aware of potential risks associated with taking too much and to always read labels carefully before taking any supplement. Consider supplementation as an insurance policy for your health and wellbeing.

Ernie Levitt
Ernie Levitt

Beeraholic. Evil pop culture expert. General zombieaholic. Passionate zombie aficionado. Certified web specialist. Proud internet practitioner.