What Vitamins Should You Not Take Every Day? - An Expert's Guide

Vitamins are essential for our bodies to function properly but taking too much of certain vitamins can be harmful. Learn which 5 vitamins you should not take every day from an expert's perspective.

What Vitamins Should You Not Take Every Day? - An Expert's Guide

Vitamins and minerals are essential for our bodies to function properly. However, taking too much of certain vitamins can be harmful. According to the evidence, supplementing your diet with any of these 5 vitamins has little or no benefit and can even be dangerous: Vitamin C, Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin E, multivitamins, and megadoses. Taking these two supplements together may improve heart health, but research has linked the decline in insulin resistance to the development of heart disease.

A small study of 60 male patients with coronary artery disease found that a combination of omega-3 and vitamin E had beneficial effects on serum insulin and insulin resistance. However, a review of studies published this month in the journal Circulation concluded that taking multivitamins does not improve heart health in the general population. The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for vitamins and minerals is the average daily intake that a person needs to avoid deficiencies and stay healthy. Men and women generally have different vitamin and mineral recommendations.

There are different ways to measure RDA. The vitamins and minerals needed in higher doses are measured in milligrams, and those that the body needs the least are measured in micrograms. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin also known as retinol. The recommended daily dose of vitamin A is 700 micrograms for women and 900 micrograms for men. Vitamin A is found in many dairy products and in yellow or orange fruits and vegetables. There are eight B vitamins, which make up the vitamin B complex, with different recommended daily doses.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), most Americans don't get their recommended daily dose of B vitamins in their daily nutrition. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that contains antioxidants that promote healthy tissue growth. The recommended daily dose for men is 90 milligrams and 75 milligrams for women. Vitamin C is found in many fruits and vegetables. For those who have an iron deficiency, vitamin C can help the body absorb it better. Vitamin D is an essential fat-soluble vitamin that is activated by ultraviolet (UV) light.

In addition to sun exposure, vitamin D is also found in cod liver oil, fatty fish, fortified juices, milk, and cereals. These can be a healthy alternative when a person doesn't get enough UV light. For children and adults, the recommended daily dose is 15 micrograms (600 IU). For people age 70 and older, it's 20 micrograms (800 IU).Vitamin E is an important vitamin for organ function.

You should get 15 milligrams a day. Sources of vitamin E include vegetable oils, avocados, spinach, seeds and nuts, and whole grains. Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting. The recommended daily dose of vitamin K is 120 micrograms for men and 90 micrograms for women. This protein-rich vitamin is found primarily in green leafy vegetables. Iron helps carry oxygen in the blood.

A lack of iron can cause a weak immune system and fatigue. Men and women should consume between 8 and 18 milligrams of iron a day. Iron is found in red meat, green leafy vegetables, and legumes. Knowledge about the optimal intake of vitamins and minerals to prevent chronic diseases is not immovable. However, multivitamins can play an important role when nutritional needs are not met by diet alone.

If there are no known interactions between vitamins, it's OK to take multiple vitamins at once according to Dr Litt. Vitamin B3 (or niacin) has been touted as beneficial for treating all types of diseases, from Alzheimer's to heart disease but more than 90% of Americans get less than the estimated average requirement for vitamin D and vitamin E from food sources alone. Finally, be wary of vitamin supplement labels that trick you with promises to “support brain health or energy production or skin and hair health” as taking certain vitamins together can affect their absorption in the body sometimes worsening them or improving bioavailability.


It's important to remember that taking too much of certain vitamins can be harmful to your health.

It's best to consult with your doctor before taking any supplements or vitamins to ensure you're getting the right amount for your body's needs.


When it comes to vitamins and minerals, it's important to know what your body needs so you don't take too much or too little. Consult with your doctor before taking any supplements or vitamins so you can get the right amount for your body's needs.

Ernie Levitt
Ernie Levitt

Beeraholic. Evil pop culture expert. General zombieaholic. Passionate zombie aficionado. Certified web specialist. Proud internet practitioner.